Each MontBlancTrip is in any 1 of the 4 walking categories.
1. Very Easy
2. Easy
3. Medium
4. Difficult
All Tours are categorised as Difficult - Tour des Combins / Tour St Bernard / Tour Mont Blanc
The walking category depends on
a) distance
b) height gain
c) maximum gradient
d) altitude
e) pace
f) some other factors listed below.
Here are the 4 walking categories in a table.
Table summarising what differentiates each difficulty level and walking category:
Upto 10km in a day (3km, 5km, 9km) | Upto 10km in a day (1km, 3km, 6km, 10km) | Upto 21km in a day (13km, 17km) | Can be further than 30km in one day. | HOW FAR?
Upto 150m in one day | Upto 600m in one day | Upto 1400m in one day | Upto 2000m without lifts, trams, trains. | HOW MUCH UPHILL?
Below 6% | Up to 11% | Upto 20% | Steeper than 20% | HOW STEEP?
Can be upto 1500masl | Can be upto 2100masl on foot or upto 2600masl with a lift | Can be upto 2600masl. | Can exceed 2600masl, once above 3500masl does not exceed 500m in one day | HOW HIGH UP?
(masl) |
Min. 3 km/h and max. 4 km/h assuming dry foot paths & summer conditions | Min. 3 km/h and max. 4 km/h assuming dry foot paths & summer conditions | Min. 3 km/h and max. 4 km/h assuming dry foot paths & summer conditions | Mainly 4km/h assuming dry foot paths & summer conditions | HOW FAST?
(km) Kilometer
(m) meter
(%) percentage max. gradient
(masl) meters above sea level
(km/h) kilometers per hour |
Walking Category Definitions
(same as the table above)
Distance - Distance is up to 10km.Height Gain - 150m. Only up to 150m in height gain in one day.
Gradient - Below 6%. A walk option that is almost flat. Not steep in gradient (below 6% gradient).
Highest Altitude - Altitude can start above 700 meters above sea level (masl) but will always be below 1500 meters above sea level, bear in mind most starting location are above 1000m above sea level in the first place if starting in Chamonix Valley.
Pace - The pace is slow and steady at between 3 and 4km an hour.
Trail - Paths and foot placement are mainly on manmade trails, easy alpine paths, pavements.​​​
Distance - Distance is up to 10km.
Height Gain - The height gain on foot does not exceed 600m in any day.
Gradient - A walk that can be steeper, up to 11% gradient.
Highest Altitude -It does not exceed an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level, unless a lift or mechanical intervention is involved, in which case approx. 2600m above sea level is the upper limit in altitude but in this case you do not walk to the top as there is mechanical assistance in the shape of a ski lift or train.
Pace - The pace is slow and steady at between 3 and 4km an hour.
Trail - Constant care and concentration is needed by all walking participants on easy walks as foot paths are always on serious mountain terrain even if a train or lift is taken to get to the top of a mountain to make it easier, it can then be given an EASY rating, even if the path is on the mountain and offering some challenge for an Easy walk.​​
Distance - 21km. A walk can be up to 21km long.
Height Gain - 1400m. Overall uphill height gain reaches up to 1400m on foot in one day, so it is a walk that requires ongoing physical exertion.
Gradient - Up to 20% It involves small sections of steep slopes of up to 20% gradient going uphill and down hill but not all of the walk is so steep.
Highest Altitude - Up to 2600m above sea level.
Pace - The pace is slow and steady at between 3 and 4km an hour. ​​​
Distance - <30km. A walk with a distance exceeding 30km in length.
Height Gain - 2000m. Overall height gain might be in excess of 2000m without lifts or mechanical assistance.
Gradient - <20%. The itinerary can involve ongoing steep slopes of gradients of 20% or more and long drags going uphill and down hill to reach the destination, which can be a long way away.
Highest Altitude - A walk that easily exceed an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level.
Pace - The pace is steady at 4km an hour as a general rule of thumb, although some sections will be quicker, and some sections slower than this, depending on the gradient or terrain. ​
Aim to have a great holiday.
Aim to select a perfect product.
Aim to undertake enough challenge but not too much.
Aim to avoid an accident.
Aim to avoid a health issue.
Aim for high customer satisfaction.
Aim to avoid a complaint or a disappointed client.
Aim to understand factors below in each walking category.
Aim to choose a personal walking itinerary.
- Aim to prevent an adult, or a child, having to descend earlier than hoped from a mountain side.
​Walking Categories are defined by relevant factors in one day including but not limited to:​
maximum gradient
height gain
duration of the entire trip
mountain trains, mountain trams, mountain ski lift, Swiss or Italian buses, private taxis, helicopters, lifts - please note all mechanical devices or mechanical intervention can make a walk easier for someone. So a walk is put in an easier category as less effort is required. For example, by taking a lift up 2km or a bus across for 5km, a walk can become easier...so an easier walking category in assigned.
terrain underfoot - consideration is given to terrain factors underfoot as well as likely weather for the season, potential for heavy down pours, flash floods, heatwaves, landslides, rockfalls, out of season snow storms which are more the norm nowadays, such weather changes impact conditions under foot and force the IML to recategorize walks, the difficulty may change from Easy to Medium, or, Medium to Difficult. ​
TOURS - ALL TOURS are all DIFFICULT - All Tours are categorised as Difficult - Tour des Combins / Tour St Bernard / Tour Mont Blanc
If an intraday urgent change is made to a walking category or itinerary for the safety of the group this needs to be taken as a given and accepted by all group participants on a walking tour without excessive time wasting or discussion to ensure a change of plan can be easily executed. For example, a land slide may make one route unpassable and require a change in direction, deviation from the standard route to take do a variation on a theme. Conditions are dynamically risk assessed by the International Mountain Leader on a day to day basis, a walk may be adapted or re-categorised in the interest of group safety. ​​
CURRENT SNOW on the Tour Mont Blanc: ​​
Please note as of 05/06/2024 there remains considerable amounts of snow on the main Cols of the Tour Mont Blanc, many higher level summer foot paths are currently not visible as they are hidden under the snow that remains on the mountain sides.
​Significant amounts of snow and a beautiful cornice welcome you as you enter Switzerland from Italy, the cornice has not melted yet, nor tumbled down yet, nor "been removed" which is beautiful but hazardous. The snow is delightful as long as you do not allow your feet to slip anywhere.
On the descent into Switzerland from Italy, there are a number of patches of snow on the mountain side where summer paths are covered and blocked by snow, and crossing snow patches purposefully and carefully is the safe option. To avoid falling off the mountain or descending the mountain in the wrong direction walking poles and a walking specific ice axe can be helpful.
There are some foot steps in the snow on the mountain side which create a type of ladder and if that is your cup of tea then fill your boots as it is a wonderful experience when completed safely, be safe and "calculate every step" taken where snow hazard exists. As foot paths are hidden going up and down the mountains is currently a winter challenge even though it is June.
People are ascending with crampons summer hiking boots and alpine boots and 2 walking poles / ice axes in the hands and of my last visit on 05/06/2024, considerable amounts of snow are still in place on many summer foot paths going up and down the mountains making them an "invisible paths" snowy traverse and ascent experience.
The mountain sides are currently slushy and slippy, at other times of the day a slightly more solid snow and ice experience so if you have already done a winter skills course at a mountain centre then crossing snow purposefully using purposeful techniques will be easier for you than for others.
Having said that some people are able to jog across snow patches with no fuss or faff but I do prefer a slow controlled method.​
In particular, snow remains in place at Col de Bon Homme & Croix de Bon Homme in France, the approach to and from Col de Seigne which is the border between France and Italy, and even more so on Col de Grand Ferret between Italy and Switzerland. The ascent from behind Refuge Helena is a steeper slushy and slippy undertaking if done in the day, especially in the afternoon or evening, and a slide down could be very dangerous.
The lower paths in valleys are completely free of snow.
As of 10/06/2024 there remains over 3m of snow on the Swiss side of the Col Grand Ferret between Italy and Switzerland.