Reference material:
LES GUIDES NATHAN Fleurs des Alpes
Height: 5 cm to 30 cm
Time to ultimate height: years.
Ultimate height: 30cm.
Leaves: Long thin upright from basal area but not on stem. Under side is protected by fine hairs.
Leaf grouping: Plentiful around the base of the plant.
Leaves: Spring, summer and autumn
Stalk: Smooth and rounded
Growth: Several flower heads and stalks in small groupings within or among rocks.
Flower grouping: 7 or so flowers bunched together in umbel form at the top of a long thin stalk like
Flower shape:5 heart shaped petals grouped around a yellow core which is the top of the tubular stalk.
Petals: 5 heart shaped pink petals. It appears as if there are 10 smaller petals because the heart shape is very indented and pronounced.
Colour: Bright pink. Shocking pink.
Habit: Calcaire, rocky environments.
Flowering period: Late spring. Early to late summer.
Ground: Well drained
Soil: Calcium / lime
Location: Alpine environment near rocks or inbetween rocks or protruding from the rocks.
Altitude: 1500m to 3500m