Ref: books and websites
GLENAT A la découverte des fleurs des Alpes - Les parcs nationaux de France
Height: Between 30cm and 50cm tall.
Time to ultimate height: a few years.
Ultimate height: 0.5m.
Leaves: Can be as long as 10cm.
Leaf grouping: Large rounded stand alone leaves underneath the spread of flowers which are slightly hear shaped
Leaf edge: smooth and tough
Leaves: spring, summer, autumn season.
Growth: spreads to several meters
Flower grouping: Flower heads in large groups
Flower shape: open
Petals: 5 large strong plate to open bowl like yellow petals measuring 4cm across and widely open
Colour: Bright golden yellow
Habit: Spreads happily across ground on edges of marshlands, streams, ponds, lakes, water ways when there is full sunshine too
Flowering period: Spring and Summer. Sometimes in autumn too if sunny.
Ground: Usually damp to wet
Soil: Always damp
Location: Found next to areas of water in mountain environments, marshes, and lower down too in streams and prairies.
Genus: Renonculacéees
Altitude: 500m to 1500m