UV Rays danger warning:
In the mountains, the sun emits UV rays which reach humans higher up than if walking at sea level along the beach, therefore, the damage to human especially the human eyes and skin is extremely dangerous. Humans have no natural defence against radiation emitted by the sun other than melanin a pigment in the skin which apparently defends against UV radiation to some extent but the sun burn factor is far greater in my experience than the power of melanin at altitude. The UV forecast is a useful information source included in the weather forecast and generally at altitude assume that sun burn is unavoidable. Now there is a little hole in the Earths atmosphere and ionosphere so the sun radiates UV rays without interruption and reaches unprotected human beings without defence very easily. Unless the human is properly protected using eye wear (minimum cat 4 rating) sun cap or hats, neck and ear covering, long sleeve and long legged clothing, mud or sun cream on face, then someone is possibly going to be damaged forevermore. The UV rays penetrate human skin on cloudy days even if the UV damage rating is lower. Please protect yourself to avoid sun blindness and damage to eyes, lips, ears and human skin, because Category 4 sun glasses are not provided and nor is a face or skin UV rays screen.
​In advance of booking I, a Client, agree to the participation statement.
Looking around at natural hazards in the mountains can save a life. Running out of the way is a good action plan. Moving slowly or not proceeding is also a good action plan. It depends on the situation. Sharing thoughts and communication can save a life. Risk taking is a personal choice. A client agrees it is always a good idea to move out of the way and to call out to others if you see a rock fall or landslide or other natural hazard unfolding in front of your eyes. Conscious decision making processes in the mountain are essential to avoid accidents.
A decision choice can sometimes be personal if you are the first to notice a hazard such as a rock fall. Please alert the group around you to anything that you see and shout loudly to everyone. The objective for all participants is to move out of the way to avoid imminent danger, to dodge a rock fall, to avoid a landslide, to avoid danger to human life and to stay on the foot path unless a cow is coming in which case the cow will assume it was there first if there is fresh grass is nearby so please be aware you will need to move first and let the cow reach the fresh grass. An alpine cow usually wants only one thing...fresh green grass...if a cow sees a fresh clump of green grass and is heading to it do not get in the cows way or the cow will not be happy with you, give way to the cow. In addition, it is the norm to give way to people walking up hill, therefore, if you are descending, please step to the side, into a safe area, to allow a group of trekkers to pass if they are walking up the hill. Be aware of people walking up hill and plan to avoid a collision on a foot path in advance by choosing where you will stop to let the uphill people come passed you, keep yourself safe and others too.
I, the Client, agree to the company ethos of carrying my own rucksack, I know the Maximus TMB product is the only product where luggage assistance is provided on which a Client still carries a 40L day pack.
I accept this is the ethos of Mont Blanc Trips who believe autonomy in the mountains is the primary way to be safe, unless of the MAXIMUS trip.
A large 60-80 L rucksacks containing lifesaving gear is the norm on all DIFFICULT & MEDIUM and multiday hikes, and why on EASY & VERY EASY DAY TRIPS a personal day pack rucksack of 40L is the minimum requirement for essentials like wind & waterproofs, sun protection, hydration (2 - 3L of water), nourishment for comfort and survival, insurance docs and health card, passport and bank card & cash (Swiss Fr & Euros) and a personal first aid kit including plasters and personal medication such as inhalers, epi pens and nose bleed coagulants, and bandages in case you need them.
The Mont Blanc is a natural beauty however insurance cover is essential as bits of it erode and fall off occasionally, so please prepare in advance for the unexpected, unanticipated or unpreventable by getting covered with insurance. It is predictable, expected, anticipated and known that at some point what goes up must come down, there are known accepted risks such as geophysical risks like a rock falling down, a glacier leaking, a glacier breaking off, a boulder falling, a cornice breaking and tumbling down a mountain, in a worst case scenario it can land on a client. No need to discuss the likelihood or probabilities as it can happen. These are some of the known and accepted risks if going into the mountains, walking around the mountains, and participating on a Mont Blanc Trip in the mountains, it is common knowledge that mountains do fall down whilst at the same time as they are pushed up by the Earth itself.
Participating in a trip in the mountains means accepting all this in advance. To point out the obvious, the mountains are not covered in a concrete wrapper, there is nothing to stop them breaking off, they do fall down and you can die in the mountains if a rock falls on your head. There is nothing the Company can do to prevent the mountains falling down into the valleys below, and to wrap a mountain up and protect you so would be unfeasible as the mountain is too big, not many people would choose to visit a concrete mountain. Le Mont Beton wouldn't be so appealing as a holiday attraction. The Mont Blanc is a natural beauty.
This is the basic understanding and basis of participation for all Clients booking with Mont Blanc Trips. Which is why it is stated in the participation statement within the Terms & Conditions and a Client accepts in advance that no liability rests with Mont Blanc Trips for such events as it is a personal Client choice to venture into the mountains. A Client booking with Mont Blanc Trips does so on this premise and negates the Company of any wrong doing of this kind.
For the sake of clarity the foot paths taken on the Tour Mont Blanc and other mountain trips go around the mountains and are in the mountains in places where rocks can fall down, they go in places where a Client chooses to risk their life in the mountains, as is the nature of all Mont Blanc Trips.
Even if some risks are mitigated to some extent by authorities there remain inherent risks that are unmitigated, and cannot be controlled by mankind generally or are too expensive to mitigate, the removal of th Mont Blanc is not an option if choosing to visit Chamonix town for a culture Tour, especially not by a trek leader, walking group leader, the Company, or an International Mountain Leader.
Without removing the mountain itself or wrapping it up in cotton wool or bubble wrap there remains a risk to human life in the Chamonix Valley and in the town of Chamonix.
The aim of the company is to accompany you and lead you on a walk in the mountains in their natural state, with all risks included free of charge, including the risk that you may fall over your own feet and fall off the mountains because accidents do happen, and that is a Client personal choice and not the fault of the Company. If a Client puts a foot wrong, it may not be their fault, they may be distracted by a cow or an Ibex, and that is why it is essential to be careful and not rush, putting a foot in the wrong place can lead to falling off a mountain for which only a Client can be held responsible and a Client accept this in advance of booking, and in advance of participating. Perhaps not the fault of the Client either as it is just the case that sometimes accidents happen, things go wrong sometimes it is through human error and sometimes not, therefore, the Client accepts this is not negligence on the part of the Company and neither the Company nor the International Mountain Leader can be held responsible for someone who falls off a mountain by accident, or on purpose for that matter either or if they are hit by falling rock debris, or slide of the mountains by accident .
All participants accept the natural state of a mountain environment. Natural state includes erosion, landslides, rock falls, earth quakes, flooding, severe storms, valley sides disappear and taking hill sides with them and the bridges, hand rails fixed to them. Mountain sides falling down which means a rock can land on your head at any moment if under a mountain.
Rock climbing helmets are not supplied. A Client is welcome to wear one if wished. Foot paths are under areas where rock fall is present and very common and paths go across landslide terrain which a Client accepts in advance is a known risk prior to booking. All clients have the right to wear a rock climbing helmet on their hiking trip if they wish to. No equipment is supplied on Mont Blanc Trips for personal protection, this is entirely a Client responsibility. Clients must equip themselves for their own comfort, well being and safety.
Clients are encouraged not to wear bikinis on walks in the summer, UV damage can lead to severe burns. Clients are encouraged to wear hiking clothing in light colours that cover them from head to toe to avoid burning their body from high altitude intense UV rays beamed out from the sun, which at high altitude can damage a body very quickly, especially the human eyes, resulting in loss of sight if you burn your eye balls. Category 4 eye wear is essential to ensure a successful trip at altitude.​ A client accepts UV human damage is increased in the mountains due to the proximity to the sun, and reflection off the snow. It is a Client choice to participate in trekking in the sun.
The Company, the International Mountain Leader​, known as a walking leader, trek leader, is limited in their ability to assist you as they are not medically qualified professionals and you accept that they cannot provide professional medical opinions nor professional medical assistance nor be able to save your life if it is in danger, or if you are dying, and you, nor anyone you know or who is responsible for you, do not hold the Company responsible for such an inconvenience or an eventuality such as death. A Client is advised to get insurance cover for their trip and can refer to the page on insurance.
The Company expresses their sincerest condolences in advance of any such unfortunate circumstances or accidents that happen in the mountains for which they cannot be held responsible for, and naturally express their heart felt sympathies for anyone impacted by unfortunate events or the ending of human life due to an earth quake, landslide, rock fall, cornice fall or other accident. Accidents do happen in the mountains.
The aim of the Company is to lead you on a walk in the mountains in their natural state. All clients that are at ease of accepting these risk are welcome on a Mont Blanc Trip.
Welcome - looking forward to walking with you soon!